A major problem when starting your network marketing business is your well meaning upline inundates you with information and you get overwhelmed and go into analysis paralysis. Today I want to bring some clarity to what you should be focusing on that will bring you massive success in your business. There are 3 steps that if you master them will simplify the getting started process and will help to grow your team faster and more efficiently and will probablay have a better retention rate.
The Foundation:
- As with any business or any skill that you want to learn, you must master the foundation before moving on to a more advance level. The same is true in network marketing. There are no shortcuts. Many people have tried to short cut the system especially with the no money down businesses. You get what you pay for and you must master the basics in order to move on. Take it from me, I have tried the no money down businesses and I have tried the short cuts but they ultimately have lead me back to the beginning with many months of frustration and actually a lot of money spent on the free programs. So very important, master the basics. And basically the basics is promoting your products by gettting your product out in front of people and establishing relationships with people who are interested in you and your products. Network marketing business model is based on relationship building. That is what you have to get good at. But it can be done in a very non aggressive, friendly way. A good example would be if you went to a movie and you really liked the movie, you would then go and tell your friends and other people how much you enjoyed the movie. That is exactly how you would want to approach other people about your business. The key thing here is that you must try the products and like the products. You must be a product of the product. You must buy and use the supplements or the courses that you are promoting.
- Most network marketing and affiliate companies have systems in place to help you keep track of your leads and material that you can use to promote the business. Learn to use the system and when you do start signing people up to your business, make sure to properly train them on the system too. At this beginning stage you are relying heavily on your business and upline for promotional material and training. And that is ok. It will take a while for you to develop into a skilled network marketer.
- It is also very important to not attach to much emotion to your progress, you will get a lot more No’s then yesses. So don’t get discouraged. This is your character building stage and if you do it on a consistent basis,you will naturally develop into the next step.
- In this stage you will be getting your first leads. Your goal is to establish yourself as the go to person.
- Don’t skip the foundation. As I already discussed, there are no shortcuts. By this stage, you should have mastered and become a natural at relationship building. You should be getting leads and building your organization. If your company is set up properly, and you are consistently generating leads, you should be able to train your downline to duplicate your activities. And the way to do that is to lead by example. Train your downline to do what you are doing to get results.
- In the foundation stage, you have probably spent most of your time in your friends and family market. Now would be a good time to diversify your marketing and start generating more leads. It’s a proven fact that your business will grow in direct proportion to step 1 and 2, so the faster you can get people in your business and start duplicating your results the faster you organization will grow.
- 80% of your time should still be in stage 1 and 20% should be spent spotting new leaders and training them.
The Full time or Professional stage:
This is the easiest of all the stages because you have already mastered one and two. In this stage, you want to train your leaders to train others. 70% of your time should still be on stage 1, 20% on stage 2 and only 10 % on stage 3. The important point at this stage is that network marketers start making money at this stage and 3 things can happen they start buying too much, slack off or quit their job. All three of these things can lead them back to where they were before they started their business. But if you have trained yourself properly, you will be tracking your results and progress and will not become one of the marketers who ends up back at stage 1.
The post Master Marketing in 3 Simple Steps appeared first on Lisa R. Fraser.